Monday, February 23, 2009

Regular Exercise Can Greatly Help in the Reduction of Menopause Symptoms.

(My Original Blog Post: -* Today I am going to cover how exercise can make a positive difference and help alleviate menopause symptoms. We all know the benefits of exercise - It helps us loose those extra pounds, we look better in our clothes and it makes us feel better too. The problem is making time in the day to actually do some! For women in perimenopause, undertaking regular exercise can greatly help in the reduction of menopause symptoms. If you schedule time each day for exercise, alternating between aerobic exercise and strength training, you will find it just becomes part of your routine. Half an hour a day is fine, and any more than that is great. Exercise is a fantastic way of dealing with stress and will also help combat problems with insomnia. However, please don't forgot to consult your health practitioner before starting any new exercise regime. You might find they have some great suggestions for you. For more information, please visit


Information on how making small lifestyle changes can make big differences is coming up next...

From My Hearts to Yours, I Hope You Enjoy Our 100% Safe, 100% Natural Menopaused System!

Thanks for reading, and I will be back with another installment soon. Kind regards,


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Menopause Natural Remedies

(My Original Blog Post: I hope you are well and ready for my next menopause post. Today I am going to cover the role of nutrition and health during menopause. The best way to approach menopause is to follow a healthy diet to ensure that your body is getting all the nutrients it needs during this transitional period. However there are some foods that although aren't unhealthy, can have an adverse effect on the body during perimenopause. For example, Spicy foods, which can increase hot flushes, and broccoli which can exasperate a bloating and gas problem. You'll also feel the benefits of decreasing or eliminating caffeine and alcohol from your diet as this should help reduce symptoms you are experiencing. Increasing your fluid intake can help re-hydrate your body after hot flushes and keeps your core temperature cooler. To reduce the risk of osteoporosis, incorporate low-fat, high calcium products into your diet to improve bone density.

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